2/5 Semi- Motorhome – Vehicles – Tractor – Farm

Auction Date / Time
Ends Tues -Feb 5,2019 - 6PM CST
Semi- Motorhome – Vehicles – Tractor – Farm – Collectibles – Antiques – Tools
Online Only Auction
Pick up will be at 2 locations: LOOK in lot details to see where item will be located for pick up.
To View items at Leona Mitchell, Enid OK call Brady 580-747-2304
To view items at Purdue Enid OK call Kandi 580-799-0610
Notes: Local pickup only on items over 30 lbs, shipping available for items under 30 lbs; please allow minimum of 2 weeks for shipping. Out of state buyers will be shipped unless you make other arrangements – no need to call; Buyers are required to bring their own packing, boxes and tools for dismantling of purchased items. Buyers are required to bring necessary help to remove their items bought.
Vehicles/Trailers/ATV: Any vehicle or trailer sold will come with Bill of Sale or Title. If stated No Title then only Bill of Sale will be transferred to new buyer.
This will usually take a week to 10 business days for this to be sent out by certified mail.
Out of state Buyers BEWARE:Oklahoma does not require titles on trailers. So, in many instances there are no titles for trailers sold
Pick UP: Items can be picked up from specific location at designated pick up times. Look at the web site for details on this. All items must be picked up on designated pick-up dates or arrangements made or they will be shipped at the buyer’s expense. LippardAuctions.com REMOVAL & INSURANCE OF PROPERTY SOLD OR NOT SOLD
BUYER(S) AGREE to remove any and all of his or her property purchased from a Lippard Auction within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS (24) ON SMALL ITEMS (UNDER 50LBS) AND FOURTEEN DAYS (14) DAYS ON LARGE ITEM/ EQUIPMENT (OVER 50LBS) of the end of said auction. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!! Buyer is solely responsible to keep insurance coverage on items being bought, in the event of thief, weather, or any other cause of damage
Shipping under 30#: We usually use Mail Run LLC 105 S Grand Enid OK 73702; 580-234-6245 or Adam 580-747-6245
To ship all items less than 30 pounds. They will pack as many items in one box to save money for the buyer. They reserve the right to charge $5+ for box and up to $5+ for packing if needed. They will ship Parcel Post or Fed Ex; you will be charged Actual shipping cost plus insurance on the purchase price, you will be notified of the exact amount and tracking number via email.
Checkout Date & Time: Day of the auction unless other arrangements have been made. We will make every effort to touch base with you to let you know you are the winning bidder. Your credit card on file will be charged for the full amount. Once shipping price has been established then Lippard Auctioneers will charge your card actual cost for packaging and shipping and notify you of the amount and the tracking number.
2 Locations Enid OK
Pick Up Location 4721 Leona Mitchell Enid OK
Pick Up Location 7645 W Purdue Enid OK
2 Locations Enid OK
Semi- Motorhome – Vehicles – Tractor – Farm – Collectibles – Antiques – Tools
Online Only Auction
Pick up will be at 2 locations: LOOK in lot details to see where item will be located for pick up.
To View items at Leona Mitchell, Enid OK call Brady 580-747-2304
To view items at Purdue Enid OK call Kandi 580-799-0610
Notes: Local pickup only on items over 30 lbs, shipping available for items under 30 lbs; please allow minimum of 2 weeks for shipping. Out of state buyers will be shipped unless you make other arrangements – no need to call; Buyers are required to bring their own packing, boxes and tools for dismantling of purchased items. Buyers are required to bring necessary help to remove their items bought.
Vehicles/Trailers/ATV: Any vehicle or trailer sold will come with Bill of Sale or Title. If stated No Title then only Bill of Sale will be transferred to new buyer.
This will usually take a week to 10 business days for this to be sent out by certified mail.
Out of state Buyers BEWARE:Oklahoma does not require titles on trailers. So, in many instances there are no titles for trailers sold
Pick UP: Items can be picked up from specific location at designated pick up times. Look at the web site for details on this. All items must be picked up on designated pick-up dates or arrangements made or they will be shipped at the buyer’s expense. LippardAuctions.com REMOVAL & INSURANCE OF PROPERTY SOLD OR NOT SOLD
BUYER(S) AGREE to remove any and all of his or her property purchased from a Lippard Auction within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS (24) ON SMALL ITEMS (UNDER 50LBS) AND FOURTEEN DAYS (14) DAYS ON LARGE ITEM/ EQUIPMENT (OVER 50LBS) of the end of said auction. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!! Buyer is solely responsible to keep insurance coverage on items being bought, in the event of thief, weather, or any other cause of damage
Shipping under 30#: We usually use Mail Run LLC 105 S Grand Enid OK 73702; 580-234-6245 or Adam 580-747-6245
To ship all items less than 30 pounds. They will pack as many items in one box to save money for the buyer. They reserve the right to charge $5+ for box and up to $5+ for packing if needed. They will ship Parcel Post or Fed Ex; you will be charged Actual shipping cost plus insurance on the purchase price, you will be notified of the exact amount and tracking number via email.
Checkout Date & Time: Day of the auction unless other arrangements have been made. We will make every effort to touch base with you to let you know you are the winning bidder. Your credit card on file will be charged for the full amount. Once shipping price has been established then Lippard Auctioneers will charge your card actual cost for packaging and shipping and notify you of the amount and the tracking number.
2 Locations Enid OK
Pick Up Location 4721 Leona Mitchell Enid OK
Pick Up Location 7645 W Purdue Enid OK